Interview Relay 42 Stories of the Tokyo Marathon
〜Connecting Hearts〜

My Tokyo Marathon is…? Oasis where we can exchange energy

My Tokyo Marathon is…? Oasis where we can exchange energy


Interview Relay: 42 Stories of the Tokyo Marathon ~ Connecting Hearts~

This time, we introduce the wonderful story of  Mr. Takeo Noguchi, who ran the Tokyo Marathon 2023 for the first time.


Resonated with the words of Mr. Hirota, Chairman of ASICS Corporation (ASICS)

――Out of the interview relay articles published now, which one resonated with you the most? At which kilometer mark was that runner featured?

 It’s the article by Mr. Yasuhito Hirota, Chairman, CEO and Representative Director of ASICS at the 9km point. The word “gracefully resisting aging” in that article is what I have been thinking of. We all age. If we do not make any efforts to resist it, we age more. Generally, we tend to associate aging with regression in many cases, but if we resist it and try to make progress, we can gain confidence in ourselves. Also, as we aim to be such person and conduct steady training, I believe every day shines. 


――What is the biggest appeal of the Tokyo Marathon, the point that makes you want to run it?

 The greatest appeal of the Tokyo Marathon is how the motivation of runners and the cheers and excitement of the volunteers increase to the maximum. As described in the phrase “Run as one,” the bonds created through all the efforts of everyone who aims to achieve their target are just super overwhelming. Moreover, everyone knows about the Tokyo Marathon, and we can have a lively conversation with even those who do not have a running habit. We can say that the Tokyo Marathon is not just about running, and it is how the dream of various people is given shape.  


Race where everyone is the star and everyone can cheer for each other. 

――Please tell us about a Tokyo Marathon related episode or story that moved you.

 That is when Mr. Osako achieved the Japan’s national record, shouting when crossing the finish line in 2020. I was moved as it was my first time to see Mr. Osako letting it all out. At the same time, I had some regret, too. For the first time, I got a right to run the Tokyo Marathon but it ended up being the race only for elite runners, because of the pandemic and therefore, I was not able to run it. The Tokyo Marathon 2023 also became an unforgettable race for me as my family, colleagues and mates who knew my feelings cheered for me. 


――The Tokyo Marathon will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2027. To become the world’s best race, what are your expectations for the Tokyo Marathon, or what improvements would you like to see?

 That would be a creation of opportunities to learn the backgrounds of each of city runners and volunteers. Why do they run? Why have they made an entry? For example, by learning about what runners who are running ahead of us carry on their shoulders and thinking about them, we can support each other. We may have even more appreciation towards volunteers. Race where everyone is the star and everyone can cheer for each other. Printing or hand-writing on bibs, inputting and browsing websites, etc. Just thinking about it uplifts me. 


“Let me try hard again” – one step to the future 

――What does the Tokyo Marathon mean to you? #MyTokyoMarathon is…?

 It is the “Oasis where we can exchange energy. Runners from cheerers and volunteers and cheerers and volunteers from runners, gain energy and become lively. There’s a mutual sense of fulfillment, and this positive impact extends beyond just the day of the Tokyo Marathon, influencing the atmosphere before and after as well. Oasis is a goal (milestone) of the journey of life, where people gather. We can feel comforted, get stimulated and make one step to the future, thinking “Let me try hard again.” That is what the Tokyo Marathon means to me. 

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